If you receive this message, follow these steps: If you choose to use SSL, you may receive a message warning you that the certificate is not trusted. Authentication should be set to Password.If you are using POP3, make sure you are using either port 110 with no SSL -OR- port 995 with SSL. If you are using IMAP, make sure you are using either port 143 with no SSL -OR- port 993 with SSL.Enter the Password of your email account.
Enter your full email address as the User Name.as the Incoming mail server, replacing with your own domain name. You may select either POP or IMAP.Ĭlick here for an explanation on the differences between POP3 and IMAP IMAP is recommended if you will be using this email account with multiple devices since they will all synchronize. POP3 will download and remove all of the emails from our server, whereas IMAP will synchronize the emails between your email client(s) and our server. When entering the information for your Incoming Mail Server you will need to decide if you would like to use POP3 or IMAP. A message should appear saying "Account must be manually configured".
Enter your Full Name, or as you would like it to appear on your sent email. On the Accounts window, click the + (plus) sign. Choose Preferences, from the Mail menu. This guide will show step-by-step instructions for setting up email account in Mail on MacOS. No separate secure port is provided.Just Host Web Hosting Help Apple Mail Email Setup - How To Add New Email Address In Mac Mail iCloud’s SMTP address is .com, port 587. Yahoo’s SMTP address is, port 465 or 587 (both are secure). Hotmail/Outlook’s SMTP address is, port 25. Gmail’s SMTP address is, port 587 (port 465 for a secure connection). Verify the SMTP address and port by returning to the location you found the incoming mail server address, and checking it against what you’ve entered in your email app. If you receive an error when trying to send a message, there may be an issue with your outgoing mail server (SMTP) settings. To speed up the process, open your Gmail settings and click on “Accounts and Import.” Scroll down to the POP3 or IMAP settings and click “Check mail now.” If you are using Gmail to receive POP or IMAP mail from another service, the message will take longer to arrive because Gmail only checks external mail about once per hour. Wait a few moments after you send yourself the email and then check your messages.